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Senior RFID Solution Professional
Senior RFID Solution Professional


Greg Matula

 San Diego, CA  92029

Senior RFID Solutions and Supply Chain Manager

  • Sales Strategy
  • Relationship Management
  • Process Analysis
A Senior RFID and Supply Chain Professional with proven abilities in leadership, vision, and strategy development in both internal and external venues. A strong individual uniquely positioned to add value by providing guidance, insight, and strategic direction for developing RFID solutions and value propositions for Retail, Supply Chain and Manufacturing, from the unique and knowledgeable vantage point of the user. A skilled relationship builder combining expertise and performance in:
  • Solution Development
  • Supply Chain Development
  • Cross Functional Collaboration
  • Retail Analysis
  • BRD/MRD Generation
  • International Business Development
  • Program/Project Management
  • Vendor Development/Management
  • Team Development
  • Strategic Sales
  • ROI Generation
  • Forward Thinking



 2013 - Present


Provide subject matter expertise and solution sales for the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, with extensive experience in retail, supply chain and manufacturing verticals.  Provide sales engagement and customer interaction from C-level down to individual project level. Help technology providers to establish customer centric critical value propositions grounded in real-world practical RFID implementation and usage experience.  Develop customer specific solutions & manage RFID deployments into existing environments and eco-systems, designed to create item intelligence and provide a world of visibility to your business.
  1999 - 2013

Senior Supply Chain Development/Program Manager, (2010 - 2013)

Managed and implemented various programs & initiatives for Supply Chain Development within the Americas Region of HP’s world-wide Supply Chain Operations, to enable new operational capabilities based on key business strategies and objectives.  Established and lead cross-functional teams in investigations and implementations, to build business solutions, requiring close collaboration between various functional groups such as I.T., Supply Planning, Order Management, Operations, Sales, Logistics, Account Planning, Finance, and Marketing.
  • Developed International Direct Ship Capabilities, utilizing systematic Virtual Plants.  Resulting in 13% increase in net revenue, generating an additional $5 Million in annual gross margin, and the removal of 56 days of inventory in the Brazil Operations.
  • Solution sales development to meet Channel Partner requests.  Such as, an expanded Item Level RFID request from Walmart, requiring analysis and solution development to tag at the sales unit level for all product categories, while minimizing equipment and integration costs to accommodate.
  • Support Operations for New Business Strategies: such as the development of a new Supply Chain model to support subscription based customer fulfillment, resulting in selling internally to adopt the program by Best Buy.

RFID Retail Data Analytics Program Manager, (2008 - 2010)

Conceptualized and developed a program for analyzing both RFID read data and retail POS data to detect, measure, analyze and categorize store level Stock-Out & On-Shelf Availability situations, as well as compliance to parameters set for promotional events, requiring in-depth analysis of retail partner operations and processes (physical, system and business processes).  Developed cost models and value proposition, requiring influencing and selling the concept both internally and to the Retail Channel Partner.
  • Managed external data analytics vendor, for development of final solution for company vision.
  • Made data actionable to address lost sales impact from inventory inaccuracies, resulting in $3.4Mill in increased POS Sales and Recovered Lost Sales in 9 mos.
  • Pin-pointed order generation and replenishment setting adjustments, resulted in 120% increase in sales and a 45% decrease in weeks of supply held at Walmart stores.
  • Impacted promotional execution on Retail Store Sales Floor, resulting in an incremental increase in promotional sell-through and ultimate sales lift.

RFID Utilization Program Manager, (2005 - 2008)

Managed additional programs for developing internal RFID systems, aimed at generating Return-On-Investment (ROI) benefits, including wall-to-wall solutions that managed material flow, automated movement recording, and integrated into existing manufacturing & operational systems to decrease cycle-time & increase product throughput.  Using a combination of RFID technologies, developed solutions to provide item intelligence and generate automated system interactions based on real-time location & status of materials.  Proposed program concepts to senior executives for support and funding; resulting in:
  • Material Handling Impact:  68% reduction in processing time; 62% reduction in labor costs; and 160% increase in processing capacity.
  • Manufacturing Impact:  75% reduction in cycle time.

RFID Program Manager/Engineer, (2002 - 2005)

Championed RFID technology within Hewlett Packard and collaborated on the design & creation of HP’s Internal Global RFID Program.
  • HP’s Technical Expert on RFID technology and development.
  • Managed supplier relationships and negotiations.
  • Project Managed site implementations at several manufacturing & distribution sites around the world.
  • Actively participated in EPCGlobal committees and work groups; providing user guidance to the RFID industry, for standards and technology development.
  • Conducted international liaison activities with the Chinese Ministry of Information & Industry, and performed testing at the China State Radio Monitoring Center in Beijing, to open up RFID usage in country: resulting in the development of Chinese Government regulations for the use of RFID in China.

Packaging Engineer, (1999 - 2002)

Managed third party technical relationships for the packaging commodity team within Hewlett Packard’s Imaging & Printing Group (IPG-A) Consumer Operations.
  • Set business and material strategies.
  • Managed business performance for packaging suppliers throughout the Americas.
  • Influenced design and materials for cost effective solutions.
  • Implemented cost savings measures, resulting in ~ $3 Million annual savings.



Bachelor of Science, Packaging Science

 Concentration: Packaging Engineering Management
 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York

Associate of Science, Liberal Arts (with Distinction)

 Concentration: Business
 Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York


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